Friday, June 3, 2011

weather's bleak, oil leak and single sight

so the weather has not been optimal- bleak, gray, rainy. Even a thunderstorm yesterday complete with lightning. Had to bring in the cushions on my new patio furniture and put a plastic painters drop sheet on one chair. Just when I was getting it set up nicely complete with a Feng Shui chime mini fountain and a lantern looking candle holder. All cozy looking for a glass of wine an reading a book with some light jazz music on. :) and then there's The Car....aka pain in the neck over the last couple years. Took the car back to OK as there has been a moderate to light oil leak over the last month. Turns out there is a leaking valve gasket? have the appointment booked with the dealer for the 17th since this is warranty work. have laid out clean paper towel on the garage floor so I can monitor it. though the intermittent oil burning smell has returned.
As I am sure- you know I am not thrilled about that.
Today a trip to the dentist for my crown first appointment and prep.
tonight I was working on a new profile on a single my profile 96% built. So now to decide if I should sign up and give them money. hmmm
Decisions, decisions....
yes I would like to make a commitment and sign up. But it seems kind of costly! $$
wish I could have a free trial to see how good it is!
OK time to read a few paragraphs in my travel story book before going off to the land of Nod.
au revoir

Thursday, May 19, 2011

airport delay musings and the comforts of home

In retrospect- I realize that I did have some interesting contents in my larger carry on thinking about it.
Sets of lacy underwear, a good supply of chocolate, a camera and my notebook computer were indeed the best and majority of items. :)
though wonder what someone would think had they searched or inspected my bag. ;)
But really since arriving home about 2 days ago, I am so happy to be back to the comfort of my home. My bed. My doggie and companion Sasha- privacy. Peace and quiet and on no real schedule until next week.
I wonder, how many of us really sit and take a moment or two to appreciate being home. What you have and what you take for granted. How good it is. To appreciate what you have.
What others do not have- a roof over your head, food and living in a safe town or city or neighbourhood.
To realize that day to day many of us take these things for granted.
It seems simple enough on one level --but really is it?
Having being about to travel to many places in the world to experience many things, I realize this more each day and each trip. I wish every person in the Western world could travel and learn this very important lesson.
By Western World I mean, North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand where many of us are fortunate to have a good quality of life.
So count your blessings.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

No rhyme or reisling, full moon and security carrying on

OK its been a long day and there was at least one instance I wanted to hurt someone. I get to SFO airport allowing plenty of time more than 2 hours before my 1:05 pm flight. Impatiently standing in line and all I can think about is 'I need to pee now'. Get to the counter at last to find we are delayed and won't be boarding until 245pm. Argh. So Westjet gives me a $10 meal voucher- the up side.
I got for a walkabout about my ladies room run. then have my lunch and make my way to security between 145-210 pm. Security refuses me entry and tells me that I have too many personal items- Bulls**. I explain I have the exact same number as when I arrived and it is accepted on my airline. I am told that is the rule for the airport and that I must get an agent to escort through security. (crap)
I am not going to return to counter to stand in large line!!!
So tell the girl well my bag will be over weight if I stuff all in one bag....and once through security going to pull it apart back to how I had it. Carry on bag Nazi!
So when  I finally get to the gate I tell the agent there my experience- he is very surprised and has not heard of this before! And looks at my carry ons and says they are fine. Nothing wrong. So I am right.
Will call airline tomorrow and speak to someone to ask them what procedure I should follow if ever in this situation again.
Should I ask to speak to their supervisor?  have them page an airline agent?
Is there someone to complain or give my feedback to?
And tonight I discover, we have a full moon! Maybe there's why there are people acting odd, strange or being more erratic than usual.
So at least the people on the flight were pleasant. I ask for wine when  the cart starts coming around. Am told it is in the next cart. It comes and the wine is warm the attendant apologises for the wine being warm. Then says I don't have to pay for it! THANK YOU! hey just give me ice i Tell him! uhh
it is good to be home!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

the view from my hotel room window


Do Not Disturb, Berry Nice Breakfast and the singing behind the door

So breakfast arrived about 10 minutes early which is fine as my stomach was talking. A large bowl of Oatmeal which easily could of fed 2 people IMHO- and a bowl of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. (seasonal berries $12) Soy Milk on the side and a large pot of hot water so I can make my own tea! (always travel with a bit of my own tea since the quality varies from place to place) and a nice big glass of ice water.:)
(photos to follow -LOL)
That reminds me I should have a read of the 2 newspapers that came on the breakfast table as well.
At some point I start to hear singing in the next room, these type of rooms with adjoining doors I find that you can hear people more in those rooms. (note to self request non adjoining) Anyways, this man singing wasn't too bad really, have heard worse. But he was no Chris Isaak. Still it was entertaining.:)
Finished breakfast and tea while watching a bit of Dr. Oz before getting a call from a friend.

I am thinking I should ask if they have a 'Do Not disturb' sign as I really do not need a knock on the door before 8:30 am. Like to enjoy my 'not having to get up early to run off somewhere' time.
Besides I don't really need to have my room service and would rather just ring housekeeping if I do need something.
Another lovely morning out there and I know I really should go for a walk outside.
Expecting another call in about 70 minutes approximately.
Should test drive the shower and dress - but again am in no hurry. Its so nice not to be on anyone's schedule.
Siesta are ok anytime you can get one.

safe landing, taxi talk and friendship

So got little sleep last night a combination for excitement, missing Sasha and maybe being over tired.
Well the dishwasher was noisy- note to self run it during the day and get the appliance man to look at it. Thinking maybe the pump is going as it continues to get noisier.
So up at the crack of yawn after tossing and turning most of the night. Pill, breakfast, dressing and make up and zipping up the carry on bag. Glad I had the online check in organized the night before- it does save time that is for sure.
I figure the waiting around the airport and the gate times on either end is more time that the actual time in the air we spent. apparently pilot says its 1 hour and 4o minutes! Wow and flight was to leave at 10 am and land about 12:15pm. am sure that we left later by the time we were boarded and Had the mandatory safety talk and demo.;)

OK love Westjet you pay for bag 2- which is fine if you are on a shorter trip . One bag is fine. Plus pay for food and sandwiches or only on flights 3 hours or longer. so a 2 hour or less flight--bring your own or buy junk food. Not many options.
got my bag and then headed to a taxi...chatted with the driver about the usual things like weather and where I'm from and travel. And he asks me if I do a lot of travelling on my own....I think he was curious why I travel alone. Interesting as many people seem to be intrigued at the fact that I travel alone.
Well there are more women traveling alone nowadays that say even 10-15 years ago. And yes perhaps I am IN head of that aspect of travelling. On the other hand, Dave in South Australia for example did not seem to think it was a big deal as he travelled many places on his own. But he is a man- and that is still a difference. As men travelling their own was and has always been more accepted in anywhere In the world.
OK time for more travel on my own.
Just noticing the other day that the expiry date of my passport is March 17- I think its  another sign that I Need to go to Ireland. IMHO
Now if I could just find a knowledgeable travel specialist to help me realize this dream!

While having dinner and drinks- kept thinking how well a Pina colada or a Blue hawaii can make the food go down better.  for example brussel sprouts and Lima Beans can seem so much more palatable. ( no offense to those who love those veggies) But liquor does make it quicker.....(sad rhyme I know)

Friendship is a wonderful thing that often we can take for granted day to day.
But it sure is great to have friends to talk to, vent with, eat with, visit with, bond with over retail therapy or a glass of wine. I especially like to have friends that I can visit in different countries and cities.:)
I just wish I could see those friends more often and that the distance was much shorter.
So hoping to reconnect with some of these friends while I am here in San Francisco.
and some retail therapy and a spa treatment would be wonderful!
time to get some sleep before breakfast time.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

NEWS FLASH- Its Raining Again (yawn)

Wow guess what it's raining again! LOL
OK yes getting tired of it- but being grateful for not having worse weather like floods, tropical storms, hurricanes- or other natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunami's.
But seriously we all need some Vitamin D and the warmth of sunshine- so please send some now.
Looking forward to landing in San Francisco on Sunday- just in time for lunch time. :)
Will enjoy some sunshine of course.
Looking forward to flying Westjet once again- as I always find their staff entertaining and nice.:)
Planning sightseeing, retail therapy, spa time, photography and even a bit of rest and relaxation--and of course reconnecting with friends. :D
Going to have fun of course and continue on the healthy eating(yawn)--OK there will be some drinking.
(just a little) Oh yes and I must do some research and observation of the male Californian.;)
Though I doubt there will be room for a random pair of binoculars in my suitcase. lol
Today I enjoyed some much needed massage therapy for my back and neck and other body parts- it was great.
Now for the goal list for the next couple months. 1) Research Ireland and more Importantly a travel specialist that can help me book and put together a great trip.
2)find a travel specialist to help me plan another trip to Australia and New Zealand (north).
Plus continue my research on Breast Reduction surgery.
OK time for a snack and off to the Land of Nod :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Long drive, breast options and California

Last sunday had a drive out to Fort Langley to see my Intuitive reader. It had been quite sometime since I had seen her and had a reading. I always find it enlightning to say the least:)

Love, travel, career and health the usual subject matter. Of course, I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for the man surrounded by books, knowledgeable, well researched and that likes or enjoys travel. :)

For now, having fun will be important. Let the dating games begin! But should I be excited or afraid. LOL I suppose that is a normal reaction of the whole process, of a woman that was married close to 27 years and in a seriois relationship for a better part of 30 years. Let's get real that could scare anyone. yes, also there is a sense of relief and excitement of the New Life and Opportuities. But .....there is the "Unexpected".
There is always the Ying and the Yang of  most any situation.
And what to do with my New Life. A new look body, clothes, etc. The Sky is the limit.
So I am leading up to, is my research for a Breast Reduction. It is something that I have thought about for at the very least a few years or more. Reduce back, neck, shoulder pain, look slimmer, easier to exercise, sleep in certain positions, clothes fit better, better self imagine the list goes on.
So saw a plastic surgeon today. My right breast looks like it had an arguement with a black marker! LOL
      The long drive- what I had with the last couple of days driving about 250 kms in the last 2 days for work Audits for the bank. Looking forfward to my massage tomorrow. :)
and realizing that yes I need a full day od spa services to rejuvenate myself--part of a message from the reaidng I had on Sunday. yup feeling tired for a while. more than lack of sleep I am sure. feel like I have been dragging my butt some days more than others.
Spa meditation would be a very excellent perscription!
Getting slowly organized for my little trip to California. Can hardly wait its been just under 6 years since I have been there to spend time or vacation. It will be exicintg to catch up with many people- have fun!

one last thing...some advice I also got May 1st. Write more on your blog. And write more often period.
So going to have to make a conscious effort. Guess that means I need to tavel with my notebook and hope to have internet access the whole time I am away. :D
well until next time.....

Friday, April 22, 2011

from Melbourne

spring flowers, tax headache and preoccupation

OK yes its been awhile --for the few of you who are following this blog or read it.
Have been practising and experimenting more with the camera- have gotten some nice Spring flower shots. Will have to see about posting at least a couple on here.
I have always enjoyed admiring the cherry blossoms at this time of the year. But am amazed how it can look through a lens and the photo results. As  never had the chance to really experiment in this area of photography. Now that I have no one nagging or questioning me, I can really do what I want! :D
It is funny how the simple things in life- become so much more important when you are given the gift of appreciating them. Like a second chance, after you have taken many things in life for granted.
And honestly I have done very well with no formal training in photography. Sure it was a hobby in high school, in graphics, photography club and other art classes. But that was mainly with the old traditional 35 mm camera and black and white film.
Digital is a whole new media - but practise has made a big difference. And thinking about it, perhaps it's also a form of therapy.:)
|More photo journeys to come!
And then yesterday I get a call- from the accountant apparently my receipt for taxes for RRSPs that were transferred from Al's estate are either made out incorrectly- or they forgot the send another very vital piece of paperwork. Thus it looks like income which = $$headache. Honestly, is is too much to ask of these companies to do it properly? After all, they make a good salary or commission off us all.
Anyways prayers and visualization of it be sorted out by Monday!
So my tax paperwork will be in order for filing sooner rather than later.
I will be happy with 'any' amount of refund- I am not greedy.:)

Then there was my morning at the lab- seemed to go well the tech found my vein on the first try. Better than being a pin cushion and it also didn't hurt like some visits in the past.  Also asked about getting a copy of my results. Apparently you can sign up online, create a profile and then voila- retrieve your blood test results.
Thinking about it now, that can be a double edged sword.  Some results are easy enough to translate- other less so. This way you can get the good or mediocre news faster. Hmmmmm

ok can hardly wait to see San Francisco again- explore the city on foot.
And of course, catch up my friends near the city and across the bay.
Another adventure with camera and friends in another city- what's not to like about that?
Now if only I can get my back to stop being a pain.
Going to have to stretch, get therapy and find something to make me relax I guess.:)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

little interest free dinner and have you seen my table?

well looking at my latest online account statement I see that I actually earned 15 cents interest!!!! woohoo....gee how should I spend it?

tonight my sister and I returned to a greek restaurant in Coquitlam where we had a bad expereince with the food over a month ago. To make a long story short- we used a coupon for tapas and the owner picked up the rest of the bill- including our glass of wine. :)

My dining room table has been buried for sometime. Its tax season and I am sorting out my paperwork and Al's last return to take to the accountant. I have lots of receipts for expenses I claim- so its a bit ocmplicated.

I will just be glad when its done and filed! And a refund would be nice too!
Although I really do think the paper monster has consumed nearly all the tables in the living and dining rooms! and working on eaitng up other rooms as well!!! LOL
Had a good chat with one of my friends in California....working on dates to go down for a visit. Just working out dates with my points. If that does not work- will book hotel using them perhaps. :)
Sasha should be able to visit her friends while I am away play and run that will make her happy, though she will miss me too.
I think  I need a spa visit too! :D
Plus a trip to the hairdresser.....el pronto.
Hoping for sunny spring weather--have some bulbs to plant to bloom a bit later. In a planter--star gazer lilies.:)
have been shopping around for small patio sets for my front balcony. The resin wicker type- small lvoe seat and 2 small chairs little table no glass--to fit in a 7 by 9 space. and of course an outdoor rug to put it all on. :)
and does not cost a ton of $$.
Oh yes, news flash- decided the new freezer sat long enough to settle its liquids. I plugged it in! So lets see how well this one works---hope for a long long time. So I can use it and count on it to store my food well.
I think the wine is working, now I am off to the land of nod. And I am not planning on getting up at the crack of yawn. zzzzz

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunny Sunday musings

The sun is shining it is Sunday March 27th--and can't help but think of Al in the year that he's been gone. The first couple months or more there were some odd tings that happened in the house. At first I found it very unnerving to say the least as I could also feel a strong presence---it had to be him. Perhaps coming back to say goodbye or just checking on Sasha and I.
On at least two occasions I remember waking in the middle of the night and seeing a glowing light down the hall. Once I woke up more I realized it had to be the TV. So got up turned it off and then said "now stay off!".
Also for the past year I have gone through more light bulbs in the downstairs ceiling light fixture than is normal.  I am on at least the 3rd light bulb and why is this unusual? Because for years I have been using the long lasting energy efficient ones that last for years. But the first bulb I replaced after Al's passing- burnt out almost simultaneously before my eyes. It was the strangest thing I had seen. And not the bulb that is in there now will start making a high pitch humming noise a short time after I turn it on and am on the computer.
You see Al used to always complain when I was spending time on the computer.
OK maybe its just a coincidence but maybe not. But just the same will get an electrician or someone to check out the socket for me as a precaution.
I am certain I have not felt Al's presence in the house for several months. Occassionaly I do feel something, late at night when I am alone with Sash. Maybe its just my imagination or my guardian angel watching over me, who knows.
But sometimes at night when Sash is sitting on the couch with me she will stare down the hall.
Animals have been said to be able sense things we cannot--and I wonder if they can also see more than we can.
Such a nice day I should go for a walk even if its a short one.
Having a lazy Sunday in pajamas sipping from Jasmine green tea in my elephant (Dumbo) mug.-)
Thinking I really need help in sorting out my garage!
Still its a familiar sight whilst driving into the garage- but clutter and disorganization can also be very overwhelming and to me a hopeless feeling.
Gee maybe I should read that $2 book I found titled 'Does This Clutter Make my Butt Look Big'.
LOL or perhaps I just need some friends to help- better yet if they have some knowledge of tools.
until next time.....stay tuned.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

new freezer, double Davids and susie sore butt

So looks like early next week I am getting a new freezer! I guess complaining until the right ear hears you does work! Now to complain the Danby the manufacturer for $$ for my lost food.:)
Well just under 2 Weeks have been chatting online with my Skype buddy US army in far off place. Conversations have been interesting as well as the usual discussions of hobbies, family and other views. His last e-mail was over the top for a stranger....made me smile- though it was a bit much -made me wonder whom had actually written it. Could it be a poem from a book? Should I RUN!?
But this week was a full and busy week of mental and physical exhaustion.
At the end of the day about mid week or later- a nice little package waited in my mailbox for me! a long awaited CD of photos from Dave in South Australia made me smile to read his note. I had thought of of him and the photos more than a few times since returning from Australia and New Zealand. So it really made my day and week to actually have them in hand.
Now its my turn to return the favour and write a note. :)\
As for Susie Sore butt-- that's my nickname it seems this week, what with all the driving to and from Vancouver and Richmond for my Audit assignments. Oye.
Was so Happy to finally get on the massage table for the therapy! It was a rainy day and had to drive around about 3 times to find parking- had to pay at a lot in the next block. Ick. And deal with the parking machine that did not cooperate.:o
So there you have it -the new freezer, double Davids and the nickname above.
And lately many people have been asking the burning question! Where is the next BIG trip?
hey i am just as curious as everyone else!
Any suggestions?
Then again how many of YOU are actually reading this!? Maybe I could write anything I want here, if few are reading! LOL
Right?  well prove me wrong and comment here or Face book or join as one of my Followers! I dare you!

Notes on the travel front I do have some brochures sitting here and one happens to be on River Cruises....which I am interested in. Have not been on one in years. The only factor that holds me back is the dreaded 'Single Supplement'.
Books to read - Committed written by the author of Eat,Pray and Love (Elizabeth Gilbert)
Holmes Inspection,  Inside a Dog, Chicken Soup for the Soul - Shaping the New You.
And also looking at decorating magazines for ideas around the house and renovation ideas.
So yes all whilst drinking a glass of Australian Riesling.
On my list of must do's- find and talk to a good psychic about my life and future.

*Tomorrow night is the one year anniversary of Al's passing. So the same 4 of us that were at the hospital that night will go to Gino's near RCH to remember him and have a toast. I am also having thoughts of visiting the cemetery and later doing the home cleansing with sage burning at the house.
The light bulb in the light fixture in the office downstairs seems to make noise when I have it on and am using the computer. Makes me think of Al and how he did not like me being on the computer.
Still need to get that light socket checked out one day. ;)
Oh yes, one final note on a totally unrelated subject...................
free sample from Weedman this morning. Yes he young guy came by and did a anti moss application or treatment thing. Hey I love my moss- its soft, green and organic. Now I have brown patches all over....grrr. They should come back and reseed in IMHO. Geez.
I am a 'no chemical' on my lawn kind of person.
Had to supervise Sasha to make sure she didn't eat any grass and THEN wash off her feet and dry them--its been 4 times and counting today. Thank you Weedman!
time to go and relax.......
until next time. :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

melted freezer, long days and vacation time

So I arrive home after working all day and picking up Sasha. Open my little freezer which I bought barely 3 weeks ago--to thaw something small for dinner and realize everything is toast. OMG Its all warm and I have wasted food! Deja vue back less than 2 years ago when we lost food in our new fridge due to the negligence of the useless appliance repair person. Then had to live without a fridge for over a week---thank you Trail Appliances.
OK I digress.
So fingers crossed the freezer will be replaced or repaired and all will be resolved before the week ends.
Trying to chill out a bit and realize there really are worse things to happen. Even if this is an inconvenience and an expense!! So far have not found someone to reimburse me for my food loss.
Look forward to April and being able to meet my pen pal from Brooklyn, see mom and take a week away somewhere! with Sasha perhaps.
Sasha seems to be enjoying her doggie daycare---good for her to socialize and get exercise with other dogs.  Good for the longer days I work too. :)
So where shall I go.....San Francisco? on my points?
take the train to Seattle and walk around and shop there? Or dog friendly place in the Harrison area or?
I know there also pet friendly properties in Washington state that sound nice too.
Would be nice just to get away for a week to get away fro  it all.
Wonder if we cold go to the \Kingfisher- they have pet friendly rooms....wonder if they have dog sitters so I can inspect the spa services?
It will be another early morning tomorrow...OK I get to start work a bit later-). Sasha gets to play with her friends---so that will be good for her as well. :)
Chatted last night with an army General from Afghanistan on Skype....interesting. But still makes me wonder why would a Army General want to chat with me in Canada? Says he is looking for friends in Canada. OK fine. But is he really whom he says he is?!
that's the problem with the Internet , its like a double edged sword. The amazing ability to be able to reach out across the vast space of  miles around the world and touch people's lives.
But then on the other hand are those whom take advantage of the situation posing as people they are not.
For whatever reason or agenda.
scary. and scams in some situations.
So hoping my new skype friend is legit. :)
He says he is divorced but according to Wikipedia he is married.  Yes he's on there...he did mention 4 kids.
That info was also on Wikipedia.
funny whom you can find there.
LOL  :-D
Still the one year anniversary is coming. And when I sit and reflect on Al--still feels strange at times to come home and not be able to say 'I'm home'. Or have someone to say- ' Honey I am home.'
OK let's be realistic we were not really close in his later years...I often wished I was single- he was no longer the man I married. It was VERY hard to live with him.
But still, its lonely and I miss having a companion sometimes. At night, special occasions...
After all, for many years he was indeed my best friend and I would talk to him about anything.
|I miss that.
But like I have said to some friends and family, I feel things happen for a reason. I believe that i am meant to do something else with my life and or meet someone else.
So the journey and adventure continues!
Adios until the next installment.

Friday, March 18, 2011

reflections and counting my blessings

Wow so much has happened in the last 365 days minus 8 days and counting. March 27th is fast approaching the one year anniversary of Al's passing.  Going to return to the restaurant where I had dinner with my 2 sisters, (Sandy & Maureen) and my niece Chrystal. I wanted to commemorate Al's death and life plus have a celebration of his memory. So Sunday dinner will be at Gino's- we'll all meet up 5-5:30pm -ish--and raise a toast. Maybe even share some memories.
I had no idea where I would be a year later- how I would feel or what I would be doing.
Sad to say there has been a total of 4 family members passing on since March 2010.
I am blessed to have had my extended family around and friends. To have travelled to distant lands- Australia and New Zealand my trip of a lifetime. Short sojourns locally to Vancouver Island.
Many travel plans and ideas- now play out in my head. Ireland, Britain, Europe and south America.
And of course the Hawaiian Islands, San Francisco and San Diego = sunshine.

And of course the current earthquake and Tsunami disaster that unfolds more daily.
Prayers and hope for the Japanese people. That is one of many places that I wish to return to one day.
Adding many things to my emergency kits when I can--non perishable foods, first aide kit, bottled water, can opener batteries, flashlights. Canned fruit, fish, beans, veggies,dried fruit, nuts, peanut butter, protein bars, granola bars, cookies, cereal,etc. I think I have it all covered.
Have been building my car kit as well.
Shopping around for a sleeping bag, making sure I have tarps and seriously considering a small BBQ or small camp stove with fuel. Then where to store it--and to have a bucket or two for toilet needs.
Greater Vancouver area is of course located in the Ring of Fire just like Japan and New Zealand. Really the whole coast of North and south America is at risk.
all we can do it prepare and hope it does not happen in our lifetime.
Or that it happens in the early hours of the morning when the majority of the population is safe at home and not on the streets, roads and city centres.
I am thankful to have my own roof over my head, food, a companion (Sasha),family and friends.

Hoping that the people of Japan whom have been effected by this disaster, will soon have a roof over their head and a place to call home. Comfort, warmth, food and running water things that we often take for granted.
Here Spring is coming, sunshine flowers and a new full Moon.
I hope to be able to go for a walk this weekend to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.
maybe play with Sasha....:)
and count my blessings.

Monday, March 7, 2011

marvelous monday

so I survived the Monday morning routine of garbage and recycling day. Normally I set my alarm to get up between 6:30 - 6:45 am to gather it all up and get it out to the curb. The reason being is that I live in a wildlife area and there is also a bylaw ($) that garbage can be put out after 5 am.  since I love the bears and animals in general - I make this sacrifice.....and the fact, I don't like to see the bears shot. Which often happens once they have become habituated to eating garbage, instead of their natural food-- then there are more human- bear confrontations. In my opinion, its a human problem and we are living in their habitat and creating much of the problem. Carelessly storing our refuge and cutting down forests and other habitat.
I remember a few years ago, of a story a neighbour told me of another neighbour whom called the police in the wee hours of the morning (3 am) complaining that there was a bear in his garbage. OMG or more like WTF - why was his garbage can being stored outside. Oh yes, and later he was heard by the same neighbour complaining of the teeth marks on his garbage lid......LMAO
And no that neighbour does not live on our cul-de-sac anymore.
Then there are the ones that repeatedly make the mistakes or bad judgement we'll call it.
Placing their refuge out improperly-  unsecured lid and loose crap in the can- that is easily spread by said animals or birds. Thus being able to share their weeks worth of garbage strewn over the sidewalk, lawn, driveway and neighbours lawn. 
Well at least the crows have fun  with it!  Its no wonder the raccoons haven't come back too.  Recently had a neighbor that took to storing the garbage can and recycling box out front of her door the night before- I had to intervene, as I didn't want to have to wake up one morning to screaming!
-----Well enough of the really!
It was a beautiful day, albeit a little crisp- but the sun was shining and the mountains on the North Shore were beautiful. Admired them while I was out there working for part of the day. I am thankful that I don't have to work in the same office or environment every day- that its ever changing. I have days when its wonderful to be outside in the fresh air and sun. Other days its rainy cold and damp. Have learned to handle the challenges- and deal with many nice, interesting and different types of people. The flexibility of my job is great- especially when Al was ill on numerous occasions or was just housebound. At least I have an income and an outlet to myself for my sanity.
Right not my biggest dilemma is with my new phone- the blue tooth. well already did the 'sink' with the car. But cannot figure out the voice answering part while on the road- and the phone guy at the mall didn't either....have to work on it. A chat with the car dealer perhaps? And must get on that Blackberry school --have been told about.:)
Did a quick bout of decluttering late this afternoon whilst looking for some important paperwork- its amazing how fast I can clear a couple tables! I did find the papers- in a safe place and all is well again. But it felt good to de-clutter- it was freeing- so I need to do much more of it!
Get some fresh coats of paint and get rid of some unneeded furniture and other items too.
well getting late time to slap a sandwich together for tomorrow's work day- get the drops in Sasha's ears and brush/floss.....

Friday, March 4, 2011

friday - is spring here?

Lovely start of  the day, a little bit of sunshine and robin sitting on the neighbours roof looking through my kitchen window. The distant mountains with snowy tops. Peace and quiet - a little cloudy but dry. Gradually the grass gets greener as the days go by.
Thinking about my life in general, where should I travel to next? There are still many places in Australia and New Zealand I have not seen- plus friends and penpals to visit.
And then always want to return to California to San Francisco and pick up where I left off on my 2005 trip. Then I had a hotel booked in the Fisherman's Wharf area. To not only see my friends but also spend time in the city exploring on my own and with friends- dining and retail therapy.
Love to return to Hawaii, Costa Rica, Italy, Greece, Spain and Japan.
For some reason I seem to be drawn to Ireland. I do not know why maybe its my time I spent in the travel industry and the wonderful travel shows they put on. Or maybe Ireland is just calling me!
And of course I want to explore England, Scotland and Wales for my roots - now that could be an adventure in itself.
Then there was the trip that never was--we had booked a cruise from Valparisao (not sure it I spelled that right) to Seattle, with a 5 day pre-cruise exscursion to Machu Picchu in Peru. One of the wonders of the world and a World Heritage site. The trip was for 2005 if I remember correctly, and also the year of one of Al's many heart surgeries. So was cancelled.
And one day when I want to travel closer to home, the southern states of the U.S. interest me- one place in particuliar like New Orleans. Or a road trip with Sasha to the Yukon or exploring more of Vancouver Island.
So back to the question is Spring here?
Well, personally I think of spring as a 'transitional' time in our lives. It has once again got me thinkng of many things I need and want to do with my life. Travel being number one as it has always been very important to me. And now that I am on my own once again, the focus has become much stronger. It's like waking up one day with a new pair of glasses and suddenly many things are much clearer and come more into focus.  No more compromise.
After making so many compromises in my life, I feel now I finally have a chance to follow my dreams.
So now I must work more towards that goal.
De-cluttering my life and environmment can only help that to make my goals clearer, easier and faster to achieve.
So time to divide and conquer.
Any volunteers?
until next time.......and more about my dreams and thoughts.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

travel photo

Lake Tepako, New Zealand
With the Lupins- the wildflowers in the foreground- the water really is that colour.
One of the many photos I took in November 2010 in the South Island of New Zealand.
I know this country is on many of my friends' 'bucket list'....beautiful country and great people- I hope to go back and explore more.


resting up for the next adventure.xo

My new Blog

At last here I am creating my blog! A much talked about project that I have discussed with family and friends. Not sure how long it will take to get up and running- or set up all that I want. No doubt it will be a work in progress.
Hoping to get have help from my friends of course.....
Have lots of photos to share - from my life, family, friends and of course my passion - travel!!!
I have named the Blog 'Transitions' as that's where I feel I am in life.
Finding myself single after all these years.....freedom and opportunity.
also the thought of dating is scary and foreign to me- however I won't let that hold me back.
Still adjusting of being a widow.
But Sasha my black lab cross is a constant source of entertainment.
sue kathleen mot--***