Thursday, May 19, 2011

airport delay musings and the comforts of home

In retrospect- I realize that I did have some interesting contents in my larger carry on thinking about it.
Sets of lacy underwear, a good supply of chocolate, a camera and my notebook computer were indeed the best and majority of items. :)
though wonder what someone would think had they searched or inspected my bag. ;)
But really since arriving home about 2 days ago, I am so happy to be back to the comfort of my home. My bed. My doggie and companion Sasha- privacy. Peace and quiet and on no real schedule until next week.
I wonder, how many of us really sit and take a moment or two to appreciate being home. What you have and what you take for granted. How good it is. To appreciate what you have.
What others do not have- a roof over your head, food and living in a safe town or city or neighbourhood.
To realize that day to day many of us take these things for granted.
It seems simple enough on one level --but really is it?
Having being about to travel to many places in the world to experience many things, I realize this more each day and each trip. I wish every person in the Western world could travel and learn this very important lesson.
By Western World I mean, North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand where many of us are fortunate to have a good quality of life.
So count your blessings.

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