Friday, April 22, 2011

spring flowers, tax headache and preoccupation

OK yes its been awhile --for the few of you who are following this blog or read it.
Have been practising and experimenting more with the camera- have gotten some nice Spring flower shots. Will have to see about posting at least a couple on here.
I have always enjoyed admiring the cherry blossoms at this time of the year. But am amazed how it can look through a lens and the photo results. As  never had the chance to really experiment in this area of photography. Now that I have no one nagging or questioning me, I can really do what I want! :D
It is funny how the simple things in life- become so much more important when you are given the gift of appreciating them. Like a second chance, after you have taken many things in life for granted.
And honestly I have done very well with no formal training in photography. Sure it was a hobby in high school, in graphics, photography club and other art classes. But that was mainly with the old traditional 35 mm camera and black and white film.
Digital is a whole new media - but practise has made a big difference. And thinking about it, perhaps it's also a form of therapy.:)
|More photo journeys to come!
And then yesterday I get a call- from the accountant apparently my receipt for taxes for RRSPs that were transferred from Al's estate are either made out incorrectly- or they forgot the send another very vital piece of paperwork. Thus it looks like income which = $$headache. Honestly, is is too much to ask of these companies to do it properly? After all, they make a good salary or commission off us all.
Anyways prayers and visualization of it be sorted out by Monday!
So my tax paperwork will be in order for filing sooner rather than later.
I will be happy with 'any' amount of refund- I am not greedy.:)

Then there was my morning at the lab- seemed to go well the tech found my vein on the first try. Better than being a pin cushion and it also didn't hurt like some visits in the past.  Also asked about getting a copy of my results. Apparently you can sign up online, create a profile and then voila- retrieve your blood test results.
Thinking about it now, that can be a double edged sword.  Some results are easy enough to translate- other less so. This way you can get the good or mediocre news faster. Hmmmmm

ok can hardly wait to see San Francisco again- explore the city on foot.
And of course, catch up my friends near the city and across the bay.
Another adventure with camera and friends in another city- what's not to like about that?
Now if only I can get my back to stop being a pain.
Going to have to stretch, get therapy and find something to make me relax I guess.:)

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