Saturday, March 26, 2011

new freezer, double Davids and susie sore butt

So looks like early next week I am getting a new freezer! I guess complaining until the right ear hears you does work! Now to complain the Danby the manufacturer for $$ for my lost food.:)
Well just under 2 Weeks have been chatting online with my Skype buddy US army in far off place. Conversations have been interesting as well as the usual discussions of hobbies, family and other views. His last e-mail was over the top for a stranger....made me smile- though it was a bit much -made me wonder whom had actually written it. Could it be a poem from a book? Should I RUN!?
But this week was a full and busy week of mental and physical exhaustion.
At the end of the day about mid week or later- a nice little package waited in my mailbox for me! a long awaited CD of photos from Dave in South Australia made me smile to read his note. I had thought of of him and the photos more than a few times since returning from Australia and New Zealand. So it really made my day and week to actually have them in hand.
Now its my turn to return the favour and write a note. :)\
As for Susie Sore butt-- that's my nickname it seems this week, what with all the driving to and from Vancouver and Richmond for my Audit assignments. Oye.
Was so Happy to finally get on the massage table for the therapy! It was a rainy day and had to drive around about 3 times to find parking- had to pay at a lot in the next block. Ick. And deal with the parking machine that did not cooperate.:o
So there you have it -the new freezer, double Davids and the nickname above.
And lately many people have been asking the burning question! Where is the next BIG trip?
hey i am just as curious as everyone else!
Any suggestions?
Then again how many of YOU are actually reading this!? Maybe I could write anything I want here, if few are reading! LOL
Right?  well prove me wrong and comment here or Face book or join as one of my Followers! I dare you!

Notes on the travel front I do have some brochures sitting here and one happens to be on River Cruises....which I am interested in. Have not been on one in years. The only factor that holds me back is the dreaded 'Single Supplement'.
Books to read - Committed written by the author of Eat,Pray and Love (Elizabeth Gilbert)
Holmes Inspection,  Inside a Dog, Chicken Soup for the Soul - Shaping the New You.
And also looking at decorating magazines for ideas around the house and renovation ideas.
So yes all whilst drinking a glass of Australian Riesling.
On my list of must do's- find and talk to a good psychic about my life and future.

*Tomorrow night is the one year anniversary of Al's passing. So the same 4 of us that were at the hospital that night will go to Gino's near RCH to remember him and have a toast. I am also having thoughts of visiting the cemetery and later doing the home cleansing with sage burning at the house.
The light bulb in the light fixture in the office downstairs seems to make noise when I have it on and am using the computer. Makes me think of Al and how he did not like me being on the computer.
Still need to get that light socket checked out one day. ;)
Oh yes, one final note on a totally unrelated subject...................
free sample from Weedman this morning. Yes he young guy came by and did a anti moss application or treatment thing. Hey I love my moss- its soft, green and organic. Now I have brown patches all over....grrr. They should come back and reseed in IMHO. Geez.
I am a 'no chemical' on my lawn kind of person.
Had to supervise Sasha to make sure she didn't eat any grass and THEN wash off her feet and dry them--its been 4 times and counting today. Thank you Weedman!
time to go and relax.......
until next time. :)

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