Sunday, October 28, 2012

Inside Out, forgotten food and holy boxes

geez it was one of those nights- can blame it on maybe sleep deprived, full moon coming, Halloween soon.....of low blood sugar brain. or all of the above.
I decide to order greek but go to the wrong location.
So change of plans and go elsewhere for a salad. I realize as I am looking at the menu and taking off my coat- my shirt is inside out. So casually unfold my scarf a bit and place in the back of my neckline and just roll up the sleeves. But hey- did anyone really notice anyways! nope doubt it. LOL
oh well, it made me chuckle and also realize that the shirt really was More comfortable inside out it seems. As the smooth side was next to my skin and not the seams. ;)
But really does it or did it really matter? No I don't think so, which is like a comment on life. That is I think many of us owrry to much about the little things that really don't matter! But instead we should be looking at the 'Bigger Picture'.

So then  I eat half the salad and can't eat anymore- yup forgot the food.....realize when i get home.
      I go for another walk in the rain with Sasha, then take coat and wet clothes and hang them up again! Though am sure it was a productive walk in Sasha's opinion got t say hello to at least 3 dogs and find a very large stick!! well it was almost a small log- she was having problems carrying it.
It it wasn't raining so hard, I wood have taken a picture of Sasha- "Logging on" down the sidewalk. :)

Last night, while preparing for company my sis and i put a couple bankers boxes together to put some paper and clutter in them. And realize there is a big hole on the side of the boxes. Holy boxes....wasn't able to find the Walmart receipt. grrrr...though that will not stop me from complaining the next time I wam there. Just saying.
ok time for a snack---and soon off to the Land of Nod....
heck Sasha is already snoring!!! LOL

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Its snowing a lot somewhere

It used to be occassionally - now it happens more often ...thinking of mom and wishing she lived down here. She's home bound and lives about 500 miles away.
As  time goes on my siblings and I wish that we could see her more often. Just to spend time together is so important.
We text and chat on the phone. But it would so  nice just to visit for tea or a meal.
Today and yesterday it snowed a lot where she lives.
I wish she lived closer her children, grandchildren and myself could see her every week. Life is too short and we would all like her to have the best quality of life available.
Thinking of you mom and being sad as I don't know when the next time I will see you.

broken elevator, rain and abandoned ball

So late sunday afternoon one of elevators stops working or 'out of commision' as we used to say.
Monday early afternoon the elevator mechanic is working on the elevator.
I head out of my suite and press the button for the elevator and voila the door opens. But, silly me thinks the 2nd elevator is now working and I step into. Bad idea!
So for maybe less than 5 minutes--it always seems longer when you are in an intense or stressful situation - doors close and will  not open. I press the help or telephone button and the man in the speaker talks to me. Asking the usual questions, what is the problem or what is the address. Then says 'Remain Calm' --lmao.  Ok I take a deep breath.
Then about 2 minutes later, the door opens slowly and its been forecably opened. I think wow- that's quick service. I start to step out and I hear a voice. So I take a couple steps backwards- saying 'what?' Then 'hello I am right above you working on the elevator'.

So back out into the rain and some hot tea.
Walking in the rain and Sasha finds an abandoned soccer ball marked 'Joshua L'. It's amazing how excited dogs get over a ball of any size- its like they have won the lottery!
Ah the joys of simple things. If only we could look at life like that more often! Then we will have truly Won the lottery Of life. :)

the Week before Halloween and Friday night games

well the week started with monday- as any other week. (according to the calender it was Labour Day in New Zealand And the first quarter Moon). Good week for getting together with friends, lunch, dinner, tea and wine. Taking care of myself and money matters.
Good week for finding a Kiwi travel counsellor and starting the offical planning stages for my return to New Zealand and Australia! My last itinerary was complex which required a lot of back and forth and 'tweeking' shall we say to get all the components of air, tour and friends worked out. So thinking this one will no doubt be the same.
I am excited to get it all worked out and booked --then perhaps may also have ot renew my passport as well, since it wont have the required 6 months left on it.
Looking forward to meeting up with one of my Australian penpals,(Raewyn) of about 2 decades that i have never met! I think life is too short and time of is of the essence to follow one's dreams. She's in Hervey Bay, queensland - closest city being Brisbane as I  understand. Its going to very warm I am sure, but worth the trip. 
and hello sunscreen with SPF 60 :)
Will also be making a visit to my friend in north New Zealand in Whangarei - another beautiful place I must see. Looking forward to spending time with Lynne as well, its been awhile.
Of course, any other meet ups and visits with my other Australian friends would be great too. :)

          Today we have a rainy and slightly foggy and overcast day. Thankfully I have 2 raincoats as Sasha still needs to get out. She did one session of Frisbee and a short swim in the pond down the street - plus a walk. She's dry now for awhile- so thinking i should take her for antoher walk this afternoon.
last  night had friends over for board games and wines--fun. While one board game had us doing music trivia questions, humming and singing - another had us looking for letters on dice to find words. But wine makes it much better!
 The 3 dogs enjoyed playing amongst themselves.
Not an exciting Blog day!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

November in October?

Its wet, gray and windy......I just want to climb in bed under the covers!
Had to throw my wet clothes in the dryer after an earlier walk. So not really motivated to do it again. But then again my companion in the fur and four paws may give me a sigh, a whine or a Look soon-(
   while standing downstairs, she starts staring at the floor as she noticed the water droplets coming off of herself. lol
She does enjoy a comfy nap, but I know she'd rather be running around outside fetching a ball or frisbee (disc) toy. Oh to be a dog....I know I would be ordering salmon and steak some nights. :)
Now she snores on the couch . Maybe she's dreaming of
riiping into a soft toy and shredding it to bits.
knock the stuffing out of it

then just pass out covered in its innards(?guts) or stuffing......
Rainy days----guess we could bundle up and sit on the balcony.
If only I could find a dry raincoat......oh almost time to get back out there, before its rain instead of light showers......

Thursday, October 11, 2012

everyday there's something new

Wow I have been soo baad! I did not realize just how long since I posted here. yes i do have many excuses, but bottom line none of them would help get me back here.....
My big update is that I moved....from my home of nearly 21 years. It was so hard to leave, with so many memories. I miss that space in the spiritual way. I miss all the good neighbours I had on my cul-de-sac and the kids that would come play with Sasha.
But its been too difficult for me to go back for just a visit.
I still have boxes to un pack or get rid of. Even then its hard to open a box some days because of -again- the memories.
So its a New start and a New Life for Sasha and I. New address, new phone number, new friends, new home, new community. I even had to downsize everyday items like my vaccum cleaner and some furniture. Giveaway my big furniture and have some things built in.
Its surprising that there still is very little around when it comes to furniture and storage ideas for a small space. the market is still very limited and behind the times. Living in an urban and even suburb, condo's and apartments are a reality for many many people. Living in a smaller space can be more cost effective as well as a smaller 'footprint'.
Maybe I should consult help design solutions for this lifestyle---as I do have many ideas and learned from my own situation. :)
Oh yes, my other ongoing dilemma, having the Blackberry Blues! Yup my provider has had to replace mine twice. So that means am on BB #3 and still having the same issues! The battery doesn't seem to hold a charge. It freezes--let's just call this 'Freeze Frame'...LOL  It sends text messages induplicate sometimes or out of sequence. The strangest event was one day while texting it was scrolling through the fingers on the buttons. It was possessed--can relate it to someone having control of a computer from a remote site.  (insert Twilight Zone theme song ;)
No wiating to get my hands on my new phone- a definte upgrade. :)
         Oh yes, the dating site didn't work out so good. The one man I did see for several months, turned out to be a bad match. I blame the long distance situation. Though in reality it was not a huge distance, though there was an international border between us. He was different shall we say- although some days I was sure that The Aliens had hijacked his logic!!!
just saying.
My project now is planning a trip to depart before the end of the year......dreaming of Down Under once again. Going to sign off now.

And yes, I need to sign on  again soon.